HTC Desire HD vs. iPhone 4

Okej, jag känner nu att jag har gjort rätt val genom mycket lång läsbar research angående min HTC. Lite exemple kommer här nedan..sorry iPhone users;)
HTC and Apple have had some major launches this year, with HTC springing Android into life even more than last year.
Now HTC has launched the HTC Desire HD, a powerful device with a massive screen.
The biggest selling point of the HTC Desire HD is that massive, stunning screen. At 4.3-inches and 480x800 WVGA resolution, it beats most other smartphones (we're talking smartphones, not tablets) and it's super bright and crisp too. This makes browsing a stunning experience coupled with HTC's browser.
The iPhone 4 is smaller than the HTC Desire HD's at 3.5 inches and this does make a big difference. The resolution may be higher resolution at 640x960 pixels and Apple calls this its Retina Display. Apparently it displays more pixels than the eye can see, which is a little pointless in our opinion. You'll struggle to see pixels in WVGA resolution too.
The only disadvantage of the HTC Desire HD's large screen is that it means the handset itself is massive. If you've ever used the HTC HD2, you'll know what we mean.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
The iOS4.1 debate vs Android 2.2 has been going on ever since both platforms were launched, and much of the argument is down to who prefers what.
A number of new additions have come along with iOS4.1, including Apple's community gaming platform Game Center. iOS4.1 also supports a number of other Apple-related services including iTunes Ping and TV rentals.
Both Android and iOS4.1 have many similar features, including folders, multitasking (although iOS's isn't as true as Android's), Exchange email support, both with unified inboxes and the ability to change your homescreen wallpapers. Both updates also offer a much faster operating speed too.
But the biggest difference between the HTC Desire HD and iPhone 4? The HTC Desire HD features Flash 10 for a much better browsing experience.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
Applications: iPhone 4
Processor: HTC Desire HD
Sound and vision: HTC Desire HD
Web services: HTC Desire HD
Camera: HTC Desire HD
Tethering: HTC Desire HD
eBooks: HTC Desire HD
Pricing: HTC Desire HD
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